Ms. Cupid In Love

《Ms. Cupid In Love》

类型:言情/古装/喜剧/   地区:大陆   年代:2022   

演员:曹煜辰 | 田曦薇 | 肖宇梁 | 金尤美 | 景研竣 | 徐轸轸 | |

简介: The deity Bai Yan was banished to the mortal world for accidentally disturbing the human marriage. He fell from the sky and bumped into Shangguan Ya, the head of the matchmaking house. By accident, he became the boss'' husband "Chu Ye" and started a love story between human and deitiy. In the end, they work together to fix the mess in human marriage and become lifetime partners of each other.

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