The obsession

《The obsession》

类型:悬疑/   地区:大陆   年代:2022   导演:李雨禾

演员:耿乐 | 宋洋 | 朱颜曼滋 | 高叶 | 董晴 | 王婉中 | |

简介: The two heroes of the police department, Luo Song and Gao Chuan, encounter a series of events as they investigate the accidental death of their master, Cheng Fenguha. After Cheng Fenghua''s passing, Gao Chuan leaves the force but is still obsessed with the truth of the car crash that took his master away. A series of mysteries finally make Luo Song start to believe that there is more to that accident. The duo joins hands once again after many years, but they are unknowingly stepping into a deadly mystery.

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