Unexpected Falling

《Unexpected Falling》

类型:剧情/   地区:大陆   年代:2022   

简介: In the eyes of others, Ruan Zhenzhen is a little "princess" who is too naive for the world. Under the protection of her husband, Xu Youning, a capable financier, she led a simple but happy life. But the sudden death of Xu Youning shattered her peaceful life. Now the "princess-in-distress", Ruan Zhenzhen finds herself struggling to pay off Xu Youning''s massive debts. Gao Jun, a former classmate who is now a lawyer, seems to hold the key to solving this crisis. Ruan Zhenzhen may be gullible at times, but she is not silly. She remains suspicious of Gao Jun''s enthusiasm to help her. But as time passes and they spend more time together, Ruan Zhenzhen slowly lets down her guard and begins to fall for him. Together, they overcome various challenges life throws at them. In the trials of life, the sheltered princess finds her worth and slowly grows to her fullest potential.

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