Nobody Knows

《Nobody Knows》

类型:悬疑/偶像/警匪/   地区:大陆   年代:2022   导演:张晓波

演员:欧豪 | 王砚辉 | 王玉雯 | 周依然 | 侯雯元 | 李虹辰 | |

简介: Adapted from Zheng Zhi''s novel "Victim in Me", Nobody Knows tells the story of a ten-year-long gloomy past of several adolescents. Teenage Qin Li got boycotted and teased at school because his father had committed robbery homicide. Yet, the transfer student, Huang Shu, together with his friends Wang Di and Feng Xuejiao, stood firmly by his side, and the four of them formed a solid friendship. However, the things that happened as they grew up kept challenging their relationship. To support each other or to betray? What would they choose to do?

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