Prime Angel

《Prime Angel》

类型:动作/悬疑/科幻/   地区:大陆   年代:2019   导演:王天炜

演员:赵硕之 |  胡永涛 |  朱名愚 |  张婕 |  任山 |  李丹 |

简介: Shi Anna, President of Zhaiteng System, found that the system was hacked. She invited Su Fei and Xu Tian to help find the attacker, who turns out to be her father's ex-lover, Reba Liji. In order to get revenge, Reba Liji unleashes vicious attacks on the system in order to destroy the virtual conversation Shi Anna's father prepared for her. Will the culprit be caught? Can Shi Anna awaken her father? Will human vr applications actually change the future?

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