
  • 我来也大战四猛虎

    我来也(朱子奇 饰)邂逅了一位琴女,此琴女名叫王竹君(李文君 饰)。因其丈夫嗜赌,她不得不在酒馆中卖艺来维系这个残破不堪的家。短暂的相处中,我来也与王竹君之间萌发了爱情,面对这份感情,双方都不知所措。这份感情并非出自于本能和欲望,它对于我来也有着一份更深层的意义。顶着王竹君的丈夫以及周遭恶霸组织的多重压力,面对这份陌生但却撩人心弦的感情,我来也该如何应对……


  • Voraiya4

    Wo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) encountered a woman who plays zither for a living. Her name was Wang Zhujun (starred by Li Wenjun). As her husband was addicted to gambling, she had no choice but to perform in wine houses, trying to hold together the broken family. In the short time that they spent together, love blossomed between Wo Laiye and Wang Zhujun. Both were flustered by their feelings. This was not a love born from instinct nor desire; to Wo Laiye, it held a deeper significance. As pressures from Wang Zhujun's husband and the tyrannical forces pressed down on him from all around, what should Wo Laiye do...


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